Instagram has become more and more popular. With its ability to add hash tags it has never been easier to sort and collect images from various people under one tag. So how do you remind your guests to use your custom wedding hash tag?
In this post we will cover simple ways not only to let your guests know which hash tag to use but how you can make it more interesting for them too.
First lets go over how to pick the right hash tag.
There is more to think about than you might realize. A hash tag needs to be a simple quick term your guests will remember and can easily type out on their phone.
Picking a hash tag that is simply your name plus the word wedding might seem like a logical solution. This is not always as easy for those with longer names or names spelt in an unusual way.
Perhaps a simpler solution is just your initials followed by wedding, however you likely to find a lot of couples already using that hash tag. The last thing you want to do is have to sort through other weddings.
Always use an online tool like iconosquare to search hash tags and ensure no one else is using the same hash tag.
How can you create an original hash tag that works?
Why not use a combo of any key aspect of your wedding along with your initals or name? For example if your wedding is a vintage theme perhaps something like #vintageSmiths. Other aspects like venue name or date work well too.
If none of those fit for you why not think about words related to weddings and add your spin on them. A couple examples would be #idosmiths, #newlywedsmiths, #smithslove2015.
Now what?
Below are a couple ways to let your guests know your custom hash tag.
We suggest having your hash tag printed on your invites, save the dates or any other stationary that makes sense. Having it printed on an invite lets guests know well in advance that you want to document the wedding. This will ensure you not only get on the day photos but also photos leading up to your wedding.
The only thing to consider when deciding on a hash tag that early is the possibly of another couple using the same hash tag between the time your stationery gets printed and your big day.
Have a large board placed at the entrance reminding guests of your hash tag. The benefits of this is not only that it remind your guests but is also a nice way to add style and decor to your entrance. We suggest a large chalk board on an easel, some flowers, ribbon and any other small decor items to complete the look.
Make it interesting for your guest while also prompting them to take photos they might have other wise missed. We suggest one of 2 ways both with their pros and cons.
First option is similar to a welcome board but this board would simply list out the photo scavenger hunt. The other opionion is to scatter mini signs in various locations each with their own item list. An example would be a small sign in the toilet saying something like “mirror selfie #smithsido”. This would then be repeated at the bar “bar cheers #smithsido” and so on.
The pros of a large welcome board is that its quicker and easier to set up. It is also more cost effective than many small signs. The cons are that after guests see the sign they might forget about it later. Mini signs will remind guests and suggest photo ideas for specific areas as they move from area to area. The cons of mini signs is if guests don’t move around they will miss some signs in different areas.
Hopefully this post has given you some ideas for how you can get your guests to use instagram. Follow us on instagram under @_quirkyparties for more creative ideas.